ODSA Subrogation

O'Donnell, Schwartz & Anderson, P.C. represents clients in helping them to recover claim payments for which someone else is liable. Subrogation is when we seek reimbursement from the person or company legally responsible for the medical expenses paid for by our clients on behalf of their members. Even if a member had to use his or her own insurance for a claim, the member and our client may still be entitled to receive back the money paid on the claim.

If you receive a subrogation questionnaire asking about medical claims, please don't ignore it. We work closely with our clients to determine if anyone else is liable for some of your claims, and appreciate your help.

If you have general questions, need more information, or would like to return a questionnaire, please contact our Subrogation Department at:

P.O. Box 34188
Washington, DC 20043-4188
(202) 898-1075 or (877) 535-1075
Fax (202) 682-3976